March 2023

HomeNet South Asia (HNSA) in partnership with its members HomeNet Pakistan (HNP) in Pakistan, Social Awareness and Voluntary Association (SAVE) & Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) Bharat in India and SAARC Business Association of Home-Based Workers (SABAH) Nepal in Nepal developed the report on “The Decent Work Deficit of Homeworkers in Selected Cities in South Asia”. Data...

HomeNet South Asia (HNSA), in collaboration with WIEGO, hosted a virtual parallel event at NGO CSW67 Event on “Home-Based Workers – Organising for Change”. A total of 115 participants were present virtually in this virtual session. In this panel discussion, home-based workers from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, South Africa, and Uganda had the chance to share...

With our third issue HomeNet International welcomes the confirmation of 39 new affiliate members from around the world! Our global network of membership-based organisations is now made up of 71 affiliate organisations from 30 countries and represents over 1.3 million home-based workers, of which approximately 95 percent are women. English, Spanish ...