COTRADO ALAC Regional Organizer
HomeNet International and COTRADO ALAC are seeking an experienced coordinator in Latin America to work directly with their regional COTRADO ALAC structure....
HomeNet International and COTRADO ALAC are seeking an experienced coordinator in Latin America to work directly with their regional COTRADO ALAC structure....
Written by Jarina Shaikh and Jyoti Baiballi from LEARN, India. Savitri was born and raised in Dharavi and lives there with her parents. Touted as the world’s largest slum, Dharavi is home to approximately 1 million people and 15,000 single-room factories. It has the highest population density of 0.34 million per km2. Most of Dharavi’s 55,000...
This brief examines data on employment in Brazil from 2012, 2019 and 2020, with a focus on five groups of workers who are mainly informal. ...
Esta nota se enfoca en seis grupos de personas trabajadoras en empleo informal que abarcan aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajadoras, o 21% del empleo total en 2019. Desde entonces, la crisis por la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha provocado grandes cambios en el empleo en Chile. ...
This brief focuses on six groups of informal workers who comprised almost 2 million workers, or 21 per cent of Chile’s total employment, in 2019. Then the COVID-19 crisis brought great changes to employment in Chile. ...
La présente note d’information porte sur six groupes professionnels des travailleur·euse·s del’informel qui, en 2019, constituaient plus de trois quarts de l’emploi total au Sénégal, où 84 % del’emploi est informel. ...
This brief focuses on six groups of informal workers who comprised over three-quarters of total employment in 2019 in Senegal, where 84 per cent of employment is informal. ...
Written by Jarina Shaikh and Jyoti Baiballi from LEARN, India. At 5,000+ years of existence, the Indian saree is considered to be among the oldest form of garment in the world still in existence. With that rich history, the Saree is an institution in itself. ...
Written by Jarina Shaikh and Jyoti Baiballi from LEARN, India.
Maharashtra’s farmers usually celebrate the festival ‘Pola’ in August, a festival to celebrate, worship and thank their bulls and oxen that labour on their fields round the year....