October 2023

HomeNet International / 2023 (Page 2)

Organizations representing over 2.1 million informal workers from around the world call on governments to accelerate investments in worker protections as a central component of economic recovery plans.In COVID-19 lockdowns one year ago, informal workers across the world lost their livelihoods, plunging their families into economic crisis and hunger. The lockdowns also revealed the critical role...

On International Workers’ Day, as HomeNet International, we collectively demand: We, home-based worker members of affiliates of HomeNet International (HNI) came together on 30th April 2021 to commemorate International Workers’ Day, along with emerging affiliates and our allies and sister organizations. We were around 140 participants representing home-based workers from 36 affiliates from 20 countries. We came together to...

On March 8, 2021 (Women’s Day), HomeNet South Asia launched its campaign - #HomeIsWhereTheArtIs - to bring visibility to its home-based worker-led producer companies, enterprises and cooperatives. The campaign is a showcase of solidarity and also looks to highlight the work of thousands of women home-based workers and their representative organisations. Most importantly, they want...

The Kathmandu Declaration in 2000 established October 20 as Home-based Workers’ Day. To commemorate the day, every year, Network members across the world organize a series of events and demonstrations aimed at drawing attention to the situation of home-based workers and to present a series of demands, including: Ratification of ILO Convention 177 on Homework and creation of...

Zehra Akbar, HBWWF 2016 Adopted at the International Labour Conference in 1996,  C177 mandates that all homeworkers have basic labour rights and asserts the applicability of core labour standards and other standards to all homeworkers.  But more than two decades later, only 10 countries have ratified C177 and too few workers have realized their rights. Now, home-based workers and their...

HomeNet Phillippines UHC Workshop, 2018 Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a priority in many ASEAN countries in response to informal workers’ demands. HomeNet South-East Asia is working with Affiliates and developing regional strategies aimed at bringing together informal worker organizations, national health policymakers, other civil society groups and allies in the field of public health in...

https://www.wiego.org/COVID19-Platform Home-Based Workers Networks across the world join informal economy workers’ organizations across the global economy call on governments at all levels to partner with us on relief, recovery and resilience efforts that are emerging from the grassroots during this time of unprecedented crisis.The COVID-19 crisis has drawn the world’s attention to longstanding inequalities in the way governments...

The HomeNet International Network will join efforts with the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) and allies to continue to call for ratification of the ILO Convention 190 and Recommendation 206 with a dedicated focus on women workers in informal economy whose lives and livelihoods have been acutely impacted by COVID-19 and the unprecedented economic...

India, South Asia
SEWA is the single largest Central Trade Union (CTU) registered on 12th April, 1972 with a membership of over 2.5 million (2023) poor, self-employed women workers from the informal economy across 18 States in India. The main goal is to organise women workers for full employment and self-reliance; with the vision...