HomeNet Eastern Europe and Central Asia held a Field Seminar in Kyrgyzstan from July 4 to 7, 2024, which proved to be an enriching experience for all participants. The seminar kicked off on Thursday, July 4, in Bishkek, with presentations from newly welcomed members, including the National Association of Small and Medium Business from Bulgaria, the Trade Union of Textile and Light Industry from Kyrgyzstan, the self-help group of home-based seamstresses “Bereke,” and the Center for Crafts and Tourism from Tajikistan. The agenda included a discussion on the HNI grant for 2023-2024, outlining the requirements for reporting on project activities. A significant highlight was the approval of the programme to celebrate the 10th anniversary of HNEE & CA, which took place in Bulgaria from August 8 to 12. Additionally, participants adjusted project plans for 2024-2025 to accommodate the splitting of funding over two years.

On Friday, July 5, attendees travelled to the Naryn region, where they gained insights into the workings of the “Uz-Nur-Aiym” homeworkers’ group and explored market expansion opportunities. They visited the Aga Khan Foundation’s office in Naryn for a fruitful meeting with the director. Participants also learned about home-based artisans and the children’s rehabilitation centre run by the Ak-Bairak NGO, led by Shaigul Omuralieva, where discussions centred on implementing collaborative projects. The day concluded with a visit to the Public Association of Homeworkers “Cheb-Koldor,” directed by Toyun Amanova, showcasing an exhibition of products and a live demonstration of the crafting process. A meeting addressing the promotion of ratifying the ILO Convention 177 occurred among homeworkers as well.

On Saturday, July 6, the seminar moved to the Issyk-Kul region, where participants took part in the vibrant Jalchy agro festival. Finally, on Sunday, July 7, the group gathered on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul to visit art markets and engage with local craftsmen, rounding off an inspiring week of learning, networking, and cultural exchange in Kyrgyzstan.

A visit to a home seamstress in Bishkek

Introduction to the work of home-based artisans and the children's rehabilitation centre of the Ak-Bairak NGO, with director Shaigul Omuralieva.

Visit to the Public Association of Homeworkers "Cheb-Koldor", director Toyun Amanova. Exhibition of products and demonstration of the process.

Participation in the Jalchy agro-festival

Visit to art markets, meetings with workers