HomeNet International / Advocacy Initiatives
HomeNet International and its allied organizations have been urging the European Union to ensure that the proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive applies to all workers throughout the supply chain. They also advocate for the establishment of non-judicial enforcement mechanisms, specifically designed with women home-based workers in mind, including worker-designed grievance mechanisms.
Here are some of the initiatives undertaken:
ILO Convention 177, also known as the Home Work Convention, is a crucial instrument that recognizes and aims to protect the rights and improve the working conditions of homeworkers.
Ratification of ILO C177 by a country creates a legally binding commitment. This compels the ratifying country to develop and implement a national policy that guarantees equal treatment for homeworkers.
The HNI Executive Committee underscored the significance of countries ratifying ILO C177. Ratification necessitates that member countries take appropriate action and provides a model for other countries to create policies protecting home-based workers (HBWs). Acknowledging that differing national circumstances may make ratification unfeasible for all countries, the campaign established a broader, more inclusive goal.
The campaign focuses on achieving these goals for participating countries by:
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