Author: HomeNet International

HomeNet International / Articles posted by HomeNet International (Page 12)

This year the Silk and Spices Festival took place from 15-18 June in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. HNI affiliate Bukhara Crafts Development Centre is the founder of the festival, which dates back 20 years. On this occasion around 500 people from around the world attended the event, as well as 50 artisans. The festival is held by a...

From August 7-11, HomeNet Eastern Europe and Central Asia (HNEE & CA), led by its Chairman Violeta Zlateva, and the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tourism, led by Chairman Veselin Bankovski, with the support of the city municipality and the local public centre “Prosveta”, held the first International Customs and Traditions Festival...

The other aspect that COTRADO ALAC wants to highlight comes from Brazil, and the work done around the Social and Solidarity Economy, associated with revolving funds. These funds aim at self-management and should seek the ability to produce local, national and regional income to finance all possible struggles.It has been demonstrated that there is political...

In the last three months numerous activities have been built and developed in the countries that make up COTRADO ALAC in Latin America, and we would like to highlight some of them in this report. The strengthening of grassroots organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean leads us to deepen the organisation in the existing...

HomeNet Kenya membership identified a savings and a loan scheme as an opportunity under the livelihoods improvement thematic area. The process towards realization of the same has been condensed under the need for a Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation (SACCO) that will enable the membership to set aside money from the crafts and other income...

The HomeNet Africa strategic plan identifies 5 key strategic areas to focus on in the years 2022-2026; one amongst them “Growing regionally to be fully representative of the continent from east to west and north to south including the diverse nations of Africa.” To this end, the annual plan for the period starting May 2023...

    Kenya, Africa
    Established in 1964, Machakos Co-operative Union's primary focus was coffee marketing. Operating with 108 affiliated societies, 34 of which are engaged in coffee, the union's network encompasses more than 45,000 farmers, with 50% being women, many of whom are widows. Beyond this, the Union extends support to over...

Uganda, Africa
The initial formation included 15 women primarily engaged in the art of basket weaving. The primary objective was to establish a market for their baskets by securing orders from various buyers. Over time, additional members joined the group, leading to a continuous expansion in...