
HomeNet International / Newsletter

This October marks the one-year anniversary of the launch of HNI's global campaign, "Home-based Workers United Towards ILO C177, Labour Rights, Social Protection, and Decent Work." Participating organisations are making significant strides in advocating for home-based workers' rights and we are excited to share some of their updates.

English, Spanish


Throughout the month of March, HNI has participated on global platforms such as the NGO CSW68 Forum, our Gender Committee led the way in launching our first study on Gender and Home-based Work, and we highlighted the stories of resilient home-based worker leaders who are fighting for their rights and empowerment. English, Spanish ...

With our third issue HomeNet International welcomes the confirmation of 39 new affiliate members from around the world! Our global network of membership-based organisations is now made up of 71 affiliate organisations from 30 countries and represents over 1.3 million home-based workers, of which approximately 95 percent are women. English, Spanish ...