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HomeNet International / Resources / Publications
The second round of investigation into how women home-based workers (HBWs) in South Asia are...
The study explores how women home-based workers (HBWs) in South Asia have been affected by...
The paper examines the implications and impact of corporate codes of conduct of international brands...
This report has documented details of earnings, work patterns, employment opportunities for home-based women workers...
The study reviewed existing literature on evidence of climate change and the nature of home-based...
This brief examines data on employment in Brazil from 2012, 2019 and 2020, with a...
Esta nota se enfoca en seis grupos de personas trabajadoras en empleo informal que abarcan...
This brief focuses on six groups of informal workers who comprised almost 2 million workers,...
La présente note d’information porte sur six groupes professionnels des travailleur·euse·s del’informel qui, en 2019,...
This brief focuses on six groups of informal workers who comprised over three-quarters of total...
Regional Monthly Webinar Series – Africa Session 2
Regional Monthly Webinar Series – Africa Session 1
Global unity in action: Celebrating International Home-Based Workers Day and Thailand’s inspiring advocacy milestone.
Improving Home-Based Workers’ Access to Social Security in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR: Research launch event
HNSEA engages in ILO Forum: Advocating for collective bargaining rights and inclusion of informal economy workers’ organizations