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HomeNet International / Resources / Publications
The second round of investigation into how women home-based workers (HBWs) in South Asia are affected by the continuing crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The study explores how women home-based workers (HBWs) in South Asia have been affected by the threat and spread of COVID-19, how they are coping, and what might be needed in the near and long-term futures to help them recover.
The paper examines the implications and impact of corporate codes of conduct of international brands in global garment and textile supply chains on the fair and decent treatment of homeworkers.
This report has documented details of earnings, work patterns, employment opportunities for home-based women workers linked to global or domestic brands in the garment sector. The study has also explored the strategies and innovative practices that have been put in...
The study reviewed existing literature on evidence of climate change and the nature of home-based work in South Asia to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the impact of climate change on HBWs in the region.
This brief examines data on employment in Brazil from 2012, 2019 and 2020, with a focus on five groups of workers who are mainly informal.
Esta nota se enfoca en seis grupos de personas trabajadoras en empleo informal que abarcan aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajadoras, o 21% del empleo total en 2019. Desde entonces, la crisis por la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha provocado...
This brief focuses on six groups of informal workers who comprised almost 2 million workers, or 21 per cent of Chile’s total employment, in 2019. Then the COVID-19 crisis brought great changes to employment in Chile.
La présente note d’information porte sur six groupes professionnels des travailleur·euse·s del’informel qui, en 2019, constituaient plus de trois quarts de l’emploi total au Sénégal, où 84 % del’emploi est informel.
Side Session: The State of Home-based Workers in Garment and Footwear Supply Chains—Engaging Voices for Meaningful Change’
Webinar: Home-Based Workers in Garment and Footwear Supply Chains: Advocacy for EU Policy and Global Study Findings
Side session “The Structure Of Garment Supply Chains: The Ubiquity Of Informal Employment”
Webinar – Homeworkers in Garment Supply Chains
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link: Why EU mandatory due diligence legislation must include homeworkers – Webinar