Wednesday, 20 October, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an overwhelming impact on the health and economies of home-based workers around the world. Because of this, on International HBWs Day, we will focus on the urgent need to ensure that all home-based workers are included in Social Protection policies and programmes.
We’ll hear from the home-based workers themselves on their social protection needs, demands, the barriers they’ve faced and what they plan to do collectively in future.
- 6:30 AM - Nicaragua
- 7:30 AM - Peru
- 9:30 AM - Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay
- 2:30 PM - South Africa
- 3:30 PM - Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
- 5:30 PM - Pakistan
- 6:00 PM - India, Sri Lanka
- 6:15 PM - Nepal
- 6:30 PM - Bangladesh, Bhutan
- 7:30 PM - Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
- 8:30 PM - Philippines
Meeting ID:
824 8317 8436
Interpretation available
Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi , Nepali, Swahili, Luganda, Thai, Indonesian