The HNI Gender Committee has made significant progress on its ongoing initiatives. One such initiative is the “Gender and Home-Based Work” survey, which was launched on March 7th. This survey gathered insights from 405 home-based workers across five regions in multiple languages, highlighting the diverse experiences and challenges they face, particularly concerning issues related to violence. To ensure a comprehensive analysis of the survey results, HNI engaged a consultant to review the findings and develop a detailed report. The first draft of this report was presented to the HNI Gender Committee on August 27th. Following this, a smaller working group was formed to engage in a deeper analysis and discussion of the survey findings. The survey results will be shared with the HNI Executive Committee during their upcoming meeting in October, where they will provide further feedback to strengthen the survey report.

Additionally, the Glossary of Terms is in its final stages of development. This glossary is designed to serve as an essential resource for affiliates within HomeNet International. It aims to foster a shared vocabulary on gender-based violence, enabling stakeholders to engage in more informed and impactful discussions. The glossary includes terms that cover a broad spectrum, from various forms of violence and abuse to legal and advocacy terminology. By establishing this common language, the HNI Gender Committee hopes to empower communities to challenge harmful gender norms and advocate for the rights and safety of those affected by violence. The Glossary of Terms will be ready for distribution to HNI affiliates by next quarter.