HomeNet Africa has held a number of activities since the HNI physical congress in April 2023; specifically the following:
- Two meetings held online on the 4th May and 1st June, 2023 in line with the usual monthly meeting during the 1st Thursday of every month.
- The Strategic Plan Implementation Oversight Committee meeting held online on the 10th May, 2023.
- A physical meeting for the Tanzanian HBWs Working Group on the 9th June, 2023 on understanding the national network constitution.
The meeting held on the 4th May, 2023 brought together participants drawn from the 5 participating countries of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and South Africa with a total participation of 27 individuals with the following agenda: Feedback from HNA Delegates at the 2nd HNI Congress held from 25th- 28th April 2023 in Nepal.
The Strategic Plan Implementation Oversight Committee held discussions on the 10th May, 2023 and attended by 13 members specifically on the HomeNet Africa Constitution ending with an agreement that a draft document with clauses and guiding questions for discussion in the next meeting to be held in the month of June.
The Tanzanian HBWs Working Group held a meeting on the 9th June, 2023 to deliberate on their network constitution and agreed on the following clauses.
- Introductory notes
- Registration and office location
- Objectives and activities
- Membership, roles and responsibilities
- Office-bearers and their responsibilities
- National committee; composition and roles
- Elections and term limits
- The secretariat
- The Annual General Meeting and other meetings
- Financial management
- Amendment and Dissolution