By: Zone C. Narito, HomeNet SEA Newsletter Managing Editor
On May 18, 2024 HomeNet Philippines held its 5th virtual National Congress. This memorable event, 18 years after its launch, brought 54 delegates from 27 affiliate organizations from the three largest island groupings of the country.
- A review of what we have accomplished during the last three years with the Financial Report
- A review and amendment to the Constitution and By Laws
- The approval of the 3 Year Strategic Plan and Advocacy Agenda or Ways Forward which consist of the
- Magna Carta of Workers in the Informal Economy (MACWIE) also known as the WIE Act and its Lobby and Advocacy for Localization,
- Unpaid Care and Domestic Work (UCDW, Maternity Protection and Cash benefits for those who are non-SSS members;
- Ratification of ILO C177 or recognition of home-based workers as workers;
- Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Change Resiliency (DRR/CC Resiliency); and Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) and other issues of workers in the informal economy.
As we reflected on the past and prepared for the future we saw the humongous tasks and the hurdles ahead. They did not intimidate our leaders, instead they were willing to accept leadership positions and commit themselves as volunteers.
The Congress culminated with the election of the new set of officers. Re-elected as president is Ms Primar Jardeleza of PATAMABA, Victoria de Jesus of MAKALAYA, Gloria Madayag of SKML as Secretary, Josephine Parilla of PATAMABA WISE. Elected as committee coordinators are Lyn Betis for Organizing, Trisha Vito Cruz for Projects, Heaven Hill Encierto for Education, Rebs Miranda for Advocacy, Ernesto Prieto for Social Protection and Edith Simagala as Auditor.