Training of home-based workers (HBWs) on violence against women HBWs

In collaboration with RENEW and with the support from HomeNet South Asia, Sabah Bhutan organised a three-day training session for 30 women HBW leaders focused on “Ending Violence Against Women HBWs” from 27th- 29th March, 2024 in Thimpu, Bhutan. The training aimed to empower participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, prevent, and respond to gender-based violence.

The objectives of the training were:

The methodology employed catered to participants with limited formal education, using interactive approaches such as group discussions and practical exercises.

Key outcomes included a significant improvement in participants’ understanding of gender and violence, enhanced empathy towards survivors, increased knowledge of legal frameworks, and boosted confidence in addressing gender-based violence locally.

Ultimately, the training underscored the importance of challenging normalised violence to foster safer, more equitable communities, emphasising ongoing support and inclusive dialogue as critical to sustained impact.

Amplifying the voice and visibility of affiliates of HomeNet South Asia at the 68 th Commission on the Status of Women

As a parallel side event of the 68th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68), HomeNet South Asia organised a powerful physical panel “Beyond Boundaries: Tackling Poverty and Strengthening Institutions of Home Based Workers” on March 13, 2024 in New York with eminent speakers on the panel: Mr. Ziad Sheikh (UN Women), Ms. Katia Araujo (WIEGO), Ms. Chandni Joshi (Enforcer, HomeNet South Asia), two home based workers from Nepal Ms. Shanti Maharjan and Ms. Sabita Maharjan, Moderator Ms. Sristi Joshi Malla (Regional Coordinator, HNSA) and Ms. Richa Macsuedon (HNSA).

The panellists from WIEGO and UN Women shared their experience of working with HomeNet South Asia, and recognized its remarkable work to empower home-based workers in South Asia. This was further exemplified by the two HBWs who shared their own stories of challenges and victories, the opportunities received by being connected with a network such as HNSA, and they interacted well with the audience. The Enforcer of HNSA, Chandni Joshi, highlighted the key contribution of this network to empower the marginalised HBWs and the probable future collaborations with development partners.

Two virtual panels as parallel sessions of CSW68 were also conducted by HNSA. On March 12, 2024, HomeNet South Asia in partnership with Comic Relief and WIEGO organised “From Awareness to Action: Investing in home-based workers to amplify their voices” where home based workers from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, South Africa and Uganda spoke about their experiences.

On March 20, 2024, HomeNet South Asia along with Women for Human Rights (WHR) conducted a webinar “Strengthening Women’s Access to Sustainable Livelihoods for Economic Resilience” where leaders of HBW organisations from Bhutan, India and Nepal shared their successful models.

Training of Trainers (TOT) for disaster risk reduction and preparedness for HBWs in Maldives

HNSA conducted a one-day in-house training in Male, Maldives for 20 HBWs on DRR through our technical partner U-Inspire Maldives on 29th April 2024 in Male, Maldives.

The objectives of the training were:

The sessions were focused on the concepts of climate change and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Maldivian context, fire and flood prevention, hazard and risk assessment for home-based workers context and preparation of business continuity plans to achieve resilience in the face of climate emergencies. Since this is first of its kind training with the targeted group, the participants engaged in thought provoking conversations with regards to disaster preparedness and importance of building community resilience.