HomeNet International / Homeworkers in Global Supply Chains
HomeNet International works in collaboration with its affiliates, sister organizations, and allies on a range of initiatives which include advocacy at both national and international levels, research to inform and support advocacy efforts, and capacity building to strengthen home-based worker organizations. Ultimately, all of these activities are designed to empower home-based workers and enable them to shape the laws that govern their working lives.
HomeNet International has been actively advocating for the rights of homeworkers and self-employed home-based workers through various initiatives, particularly towards the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and developing a campaign at the global level on the ratification of ILO Home Work Convention (C177).
The HNI webinar series on homeworkers in global supply chains aims to expand the conversation and shed light on the importance of fair and equitable treatment for homeworkers and the need for sustainable practices within global supply chains. This area of work also seeks to build capacity within our affiliate organizations to effectively organize homeworkers, and to create greater visibility around the challenges homeworkers face and the potential solutions to address them.
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