
HNI and Affiliates in the News​

By: Eloise Barry
Women leaders from informal economy organizations speak out about the struggles women face as informal economy workers.
By: Ford Foundation
The informal economy employs 6 out of every 10 workers in the world—and the economic recovery of these workers is a critical component of a global economic rebound from the Covid-19 crisis.
By: NTV Kenya
The Micro Small and Medium Size Enterprise Authority in Kenya is working towards creating a database of home-based workers who create works of art, in a move that is hoped to help players in the informal economy access external markets.
By: Chris Bonner and Janhavi Dave
On 23 and 24 February 2021, home-based workers from 20 countries launched HomeNet International (HNI) – a global organisation of democratic, membership-based organisations of home-based workers.
By: Hassan Naqvi
Thirteen organisations from 12 locations, including HomeNet South Asia (HNSA) in seven countries in the region, participated in the study to evaluate what women HBWs are experiencing during the Covid-19 crisis and released the study titled, Impact of Covid19 on Women Home-based Workers in South Asia.
By: Apolitical
Renana Jhabvala Chairperson of HomeNet South Asia Trust and President of SEWA Bharat, along with Mirai Chatterjee, Director of the Social Security Team of SEWA, are a part of Apolitical's 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy. Drawn from over 1,100 nominations, this list recognises and celebrates the hard work being done on gender policy by so many around the world.

Online training during COVID19

By Aidemi Artisans, a HomeNet Eastern Europe and Central Asia Affiliate in Kyrgyzstan

Who are Home-Based Workers?

There are over 260 million home-based workers around the world and over 50 million of these reside in South Asia. In a fast-paced, globalized world, home-based workers – a majority

Homeworkers in Global Supply Chains (English)

The fast fashion mantra rules the global garment industry – spurning supply chains that crisscross the globe. Homeworkers sit at the bottom of these supply chains, taking up a range

We Are One: The Story of a Movement

HomeNet South Asia takes us on a journey through the history of the HBWs movement.

SouthEast Asian Home-Based Workers solidarity messages for HNI Launch.

Messages of solidarity from HBWs from Vietnam, Philippines, IndonesiaCambodia, Laos and Thailand.

Latin American Home-Based Worker organizations messages for HNI Launch

Solidarity messages and song by COTRADO ALAC.

Cultural video by African Home-Based Workers for HNI Launch.

Ugandan Home-Based Workers displaying traditional dance and attire.

“We Shall Overcome” sung by HBWs around the world.

Home-based workers united through song in different languages for HNI Launch.

Ela Bhatt speech for HNI Launch

Ela Bhatt, the founder of SEWA and the pioneer of home-based workers movement traces the history of the movement.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Home-Based Workers Around the World: Workers Speak up and Demand Recovery Efforts (May Day: Webinar)

On 30th April 2021, home-based workers affiliate members of HNI came together to commemorate International Workers’ Day, along with emerging affiliates, allies and sister organizations, to highlight their struggles and

For media inquiries, please contact:

Laura Revelo

HNI Communications Officer